November 30, 2014

A simple thanks

For the first time in more than a decade, I got to spend Thanksgiving with my family in Arkansas this year. And while my mom certainly turned herself out in the preparations and decorations (as she always does), what I loved about the holiday was how simple it was: just the five of us, my mom and dad, my Aunt and her boyfriend and his sister.

And because we were so close (a mere four hours' drive!), we just went over for a couple of days—the perfect length of trip for my kids. We all had enough time to enjoy each other's company—playing "Go Fish" on the floor, and listened to Colin develop his reading skills—but not too much time that we became exhausted and grumpy.

Mostly I was just thankful to get to spend this holiday with my mom and my aunt, both of whom nearly died this past year. So very thankful, indeed.

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