But the largest strides have been made by us mothers, of course, who now seem so much more confident in caring for and comforting our little ones. We've also rejoined the human race over these six weeks, and are now able to show up rested and dressed and -- most of all -- on time!
I'm truly sorry that this program has to end, but apparently there are nine more pairs of moms and babies waiting in the wings for their turn. Fortunately, we like each other well enough that we've decided to continue meeting outside of class. I don't know how much longer we'll continue meeting, but older mothers, who went through this program years ago, tell me that they continued meeting with the moms and tots from their class for years. I hope that's the case. I really like the other mothers in my group, and I like imagining Colin as a little kid, playing with Rhys and Noah, and developing his first little crush on Nora (she's a looker).

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