We had more fun picking out the fabrics and all the notions to go with it, and then sewing it all together one sunny afternoon. It was possibly the most satisfying first-time sewing project ever, because you don't have to sew a terribly straight line and you can finish it all in just a few hours. My second sewing project was a bit more tedious, but more on that later.
Anyway, I thought the garland really "finished" the room, until Mae Mae had the brilliant idea of using the leftover flags to decorate the baskets on Colin's bookshelf. I just love the way she embellished them with rick-rack and old buttons. Now the room is really finished -- only I'm not finished yet with making party garlands. I bought extra fabric to make three more, which I'll use to decorate the dining room for Colin's first birthday, and his second, and his third ...

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