January 13, 2015

Seeing Red

All I wanted for Christmas was a swift ... and a lot of red yarn to wind on it, and eventually make a sweater for Miss Virginia (this one). And because my husband is so good, he let me order one! It makes sense for him, too, since until now he has been my ball winder.

But the pleasure was not all mine. The boys were mesmerized by the contraption. (They are really into all things mechanical at the moment.) And a swift is one of those marvelous machines where all the working parts are in plain view.  I even let them each wind a ball of their own. They had a ball! Har, har.

Afterward, Colin asked me if I had any more yarn that needed winding. Sadly, I did not. But I do have a birthday coming up in a few months, and I know just what my husband will be getting me...

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